We had a visit in May from the Central Australian Women's Legal Service (CAWLS). RN Employment Services are always happy to support any services providers when they come to support our…
RN Employment Services joined forces with Deadly Hair Dude, to deliver four training tasters in Hairdressing skills across our RN regions in Central Australia. This was not only a great…
Kempton is from Mutitjulu, who went on a work experience day at Voyages, where he was identified as an ideal candidate for a traineeship with Voyages. RN Employment Services helped…
On Tuesday the 28th of September RN Employment Services hosted NT Drive Safe, which facilitated the Learner's licence course. We had a big turnout , many completed the course and…
On Wednesday the 14th of July at Mutitjulu, in conjunction with the NT Police RN Employment Services hosted a Roo Tail cook-up as part of a strategy to engage with…
The youth of Mutitjulu are very excited about the plans and designs for a new skatepark. Mutitjulu community has been after a dedicated park for skateboarders to practice their skills…
The Mutitjulu Jobs Expo was held at the old Adult Education Centre building in the Mutitjulu Community on the 22nd April 2021. The focus of the Employment Expo was about…
The Jurnakkurakurr Volunteers meet at the local BP service station every night from 9:30 pm to help prevent the crime and anti-social behaviour in Tennant Creek.
The pizzas were all cooked in the Rise-Ngurratjuta pizza oven which was constructed by CDP participants. This pizza oven arrived in a kit form and was assembled and then decorated…