Connor is the 10-year-old Son of Melissa Carse, the Senior Training Officer of RN Employment Services based in Tennant Creek. Connor decided he wanted to grow a mullet in support…
Grace Dwyer from Central Australian Region NT Health came to Docker River. It was in partnership with RN Employment Services to promote “Eating Healthy”. Learn what the ladies at Docker…
RN Employment Services have partnered with the Literacy For Life Foundation, to help promote literacy activities for the local Indigenous people of Tennant Creek. If you are interested in getting…
RN Employment Services has successfully registered with TheComputerSchool.NET. Pick from a wide array of courses and learn from your own home at your own pace. You can pick from business…
On Wednesday the 14th of July at Mutitjulu, in conjunction with the NT Police RN Employment Services hosted a Roo Tail cook-up as part of a strategy to engage with…
The youth of Mutitjulu are very excited about the plans and designs for a new skatepark. Mutitjulu community has been after a dedicated park for skateboarders to practice their skills…
We are very pleased and excited that the Ali Curung community is now part of the NT Government Tourist Art Trail. RN Employment Services Projects in Ali Curung with the…
The Ali Curung team has completed four weeks of training in Cert II Construction. During the course, the men gained valuable skills; tickets and certificates, welding, concerting, excavator, chainsaw, and…