RN Employment Services has successfully registered with TheComputerSchool.NET.
Pick from a wide array of courses and learn from your own home at your own pace. You can pick from business courses, social media, digital photography, coding and so much more!
Full access to the Technology Training Directory (TTD) is now available by logging in via one of two different ways:
- Directly from your Website.
We recommend that you place TheComputerSchool.NET LOGO + Short Description within your own website. The logo can then easily be linked directly to your TTD URL. This will allow direct-access to the (TTD) Technology Training Directory, using one single generic password.
Password: rise0860
This will now open your (TTD).
- Directly from The Computer School Website
Using any internet-ready computer. (24/7 secure, remote-access).
a) Go To Our Website: www.thecomputerschool.net
b) Click the Sign-In Button (Top Right) >>
Then, select from the drop down menu >> (TTD) Technology Training Directory
c) Enter the following UN+PW …
Username: itrise0860
Password: rise0860
Then click >>> LOGIN … This will now open your (TTD).
Happy learning and we hope you enjoy this amazing resource.