Grace Dwyer from Central Australian Region NT Health came to Docker River. It was in partnership with RN Employment Services to promote “Eating Healthy”.

We had over 13 clients also attend, Rhiannon from Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjara Yankuntjatjara Women’s Council also came along with their dietician.

The ladies made a damper, along with a beautiful chicken casserole that followed a budget as well as a healthy recipe. The casserole and damper were enjoyed by all.
All the ingredients for the healthy chicken casserole A breakdown of all the steps to make the healthy chicken casserole
Everyone who attended loved the cooking tips and took recipes home to share with family.
Yummy damper that the ladies made So yummy everyone had a bit and loved it
We all agreed that next month Grace will be back to Docker again, and we will have another deadly cook-up…Stay tuned for more healthy food updates.