RN Employment Services joined forces with Deadly Hair Dude, to deliver four training tasters in Hairdressing skills across our RN regions in Central Australia. This was not only a great…
The Deadly Hair Dude came to Ali Curung and showed participants how to cut hair and shared more knowledge with those that would like to consider hairdressing as a job.
See our week 2 raffle winners. Each week RN Employment is holding a weekly raffle in Tennant Creek, Elliott, and Ali Curung. With weekly prizes and then end of the…
Each week RN Employment is holding a weekly raffle in Tennant Creek, Elliott, and Ali Curung. With weekly prizes and then end of the first two months a monthly prize…
We are very pleased and excited that the Ali Curung community is now part of the NT Government Tourist Art Trail. RN Employment Services Projects in Ali Curung with the…
The Ali Curung team has completed four weeks of training in Cert II Construction. During the course, the men gained valuable skills; tickets and certificates, welding, concerting, excavator, chainsaw, and…