The Elliot School Nutrition Program aims to improve school attendance and engagement by indigenous school aged children. Nutrition programs can boost attendance and qualitative data shows that students who have consumed a meal before school are better able to concentrate and engage in their education.
During these hard times, especially in remote communities, the program has been extended across communities in Northern Territory during the school holidays to support families with school aged children.
Saltbush provides this program in the Elliott community and supports up to 50 families.
During the school holiday the Rise-Ngurratjuta team in Elliott are working with Saltbush in packing and delivery of the food to support continuation of this program. Being one of the few service providers with transport in community, this has also provided additional work for our supervisors on the ground.
On the first day over 50 breakfast and Morning tea packs were delivered and over 70 lunch packs provided to school aged children in Elliott. This program will be run over the next two weeks.

Children’s lunch boxes